In 1987, a sister city agreement was signed between Nelson and Izu-shi (then known as Shuzenji-cho), Japan. Our two communities pledged to deepen our friendship and mutual understanding in the belief that closer ties would contribute toward world peace and prosperity.
1987年、ネルソンと静岡県の伊豆市(当時は修善寺町)は姉妹都市協定を結びました。この二つのコミ ュニティは緊密な関係が世界の平和と繁栄に貢献す るという信念のもとに、友情と相互理解を深めること を誓約しました。
A small city in the mountains of Japan’s Izu Peninsula, Izu-shi is famous for hot springs and agricultural products, such as wasabi and shiitake mushrooms.It was a host city for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic track cycling and mountain biking events. A replica of Nelson’s early courthouse and city hall stands in the Niji no Sato Rainbow Park.
A small city in the mountains of Japan’s Izu Peninsula, Izu-shi is famous for hot springs and agricultural products, such as wasabi and shiitake mushrooms.It was a host city for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic track cycling and mountain biking events. A replica of Nelson’s early courthouse and city hall stands in the Niji no Sato Rainbow Park.
Izu-shi is located on the Izu Peninsula in Shizuoka Prefecture, 100 kms southwest of Tokyo on the Pacific Ocean and close to Mount Fuji.
Nelson is located in the southeastern Kootenay region of British Columbia surrounded by the rugged Selkirk and Purcell mountain ranges.
The Nelson Izu-shi Friendship Society hosts seasonal cultural events, organizes mutual exchange visits with Izu-shi, and cares for the friendship garden. We welcome volunteers and new members.
Nelson is located in the southeastern Kootenay region of British Columbia surrounded by the rugged Selkirk and Purcell mountain ranges.
The Nelson Izu-shi Friendship Society hosts seasonal cultural events, organizes mutual exchange visits with Izu-shi, and cares for the friendship garden. We welcome volunteers and new members.
The Nelson Izu-shi Friendship Society thanks Shoko Kurizaki and Jim Sawada for the Japanese language translations, the photographers from both cities who have contributed these images, and the community members of Izu-shi and Nelson who have nurtured and supported the sister city relationship since 1987.