Annual General Meeting 2018
We would like to acknowledge and thank the following directors who chose to step down from the board this year:
Keiko Fitz-Earle
Former Secretary and contact for members, active organizer of many of our cultural events over the past two years, supporter and host for the 2017 delegation from Izu-shi.
Malcolm Fitz-Earle
Former Chair of Web Committee, creator of our website and Facebook page, an active participant in our cultural events, a leader of both the 2017 March delegation visit to Japan and the August hosting team in Nelson.
Mary Defeo
A long time member and enthusiastic supporter of the school exchanges and the sister city relationship, former Vice-President and Director at Large.
June Spearman
Member and a leader of the society for twelve years, organizer for the student exchange visits, former Treasurer and Secretary, a member of the 2017 delegation to Izu-shi, dedicated guardian of the Society’s presence in our community.
Jim Sawada
Member, leader, and visionary of the society for over 30 years, a participant at the founding meeting of the Nelson-Shuzenji Friendship Group in 1987, the guiding spirit behind the creation of the Friendship Garden in 2003 and the new Friendship Gate in 2017, Chair of the Garden Committee, the highly respected face of the society in Nelson.
To all of you, thank you very much! We hope you will remain as active members of the Friendship Society.
Our Annual General Meeting on February 24 was successful. Everyone who came enjoyed visiting with friends over coffee and tea and watching a few slides from our 2017 delegation to Izu-shi. During the meeting itself, the new bylaws were approved, new board members were chosen, and those directors stepping down from the board were thanked for their participation.
I’d like to mention that we are still looking for a secretary to join us on the board for the 2018-2019 year. If you are interested in contributing to the society in this way or would like more information about the position, please contact either Grace Nakano or John Armstrong via our contact page.
Meanwhile, our members are working on a presentation to Learning in Retirement, making changes soon in our Library display for March, taking part in a documentary for Kootenay Co-op Radio, preparing our application for a Columbia Basin Trust grant for the Friendship Garden, and making plans for the 2018 summer visit to Izu-shi!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the AGM this year!
I’d like to mention that we are still looking for a secretary to join us on the board for the 2018-2019 year. If you are interested in contributing to the society in this way or would like more information about the position, please contact either Grace Nakano or John Armstrong via our contact page.
Meanwhile, our members are working on a presentation to Learning in Retirement, making changes soon in our Library display for March, taking part in a documentary for Kootenay Co-op Radio, preparing our application for a Columbia Basin Trust grant for the Friendship Garden, and making plans for the 2018 summer visit to Izu-shi!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the AGM this year!
Board of Directors 2018-2019
John Armstrong
Grace Devaux
Keiko Korinek
Chair of Garden Committee
Bernie Zimmer
Chair of Web Committee
Will Taylor
Liaison with Izu-shi
Shoko Armstrong
Directors at Large
Chris Kolmel, Grace Nakano, Margot Zimmer
John Armstrong
Grace Devaux
Keiko Korinek
Chair of Garden Committee
Bernie Zimmer
Chair of Web Committee
Will Taylor
Liaison with Izu-shi
Shoko Armstrong
Directors at Large
Chris Kolmel, Grace Nakano, Margot Zimmer