Presentation to City of Nelson
A delegation from the Society, led by President John Armstrong, presented to the City of Nelson, Committee of the Whole, on Monday September 19, 2016. The presentation was received enthusiatically by the Mayor and Council.
John included in his presentation several slides from the Society's community events this year, and images of Izu-shi and surroundings. Download the 17 Mb Powerpoint file here .
The Society's presentation to the City of Nelson was covered subsequently in two news stories:
Under the headline 'NELSON IZU-SHI SOCIETY TO MARK 30 YEARS, Greg Nesteroff on September 22 2016 wrote about the proposed delegation to Izu-shi in MYNELSONNOW . Click here to find a photo of members of the Society and a 'soundbite' from John. Thank you, Greg!
Thanks to Bill Metcalfe for his article 'Delegation to Nelson’s Japanese sister city planned' published online September 29 2016 in the Nelson Star. Click here to read the article.
Under the headline 'NELSON IZU-SHI SOCIETY TO MARK 30 YEARS, Greg Nesteroff on September 22 2016 wrote about the proposed delegation to Izu-shi in MYNELSONNOW . Click here to find a photo of members of the Society and a 'soundbite' from John. Thank you, Greg!
Thanks to Bill Metcalfe for his article 'Delegation to Nelson’s Japanese sister city planned' published online September 29 2016 in the Nelson Star. Click here to read the article.